Today, Special Weapons and Tactics held a Project Fill The Room event. During this training, the room walked to the Nightclub, Coffee Shop, then stayed in the Town the rest of the time! This event was successful and the troops did a great job performing formations and holding tactics! Read more to see a recap.
Continue readingFiled under: SWAT Army | Tagged: AGENT RULERS CPR, Agent Rulers CPRewritten, AgentRulers CPR, AgentRulers CPRewritten, AgentRulersCPR, AgentRulersTeam, CprAgentsTeam SWATRulersofCPR TeamSWATRulers RulersCprTeam RulersTeamCPR Rulers of Club Penguin Rulers of Club Penguin CPRAgents Team CPRAgentsTeam Team SW AT Rulers TeamSWAT Rulers EPFagentrulers tea, cprewritten army, Cprewritten Army Team, CpRewritten EPFAgents, cprewritten ruler, CPRewritten TeamAgents, CPRewrittenRulers, EPF Agent Rulers CPR, EPFagentrulersteam, EPFagentsCPR, EPFRulers CPRewritten, EPFRulers TeamSWAT, EPFRulersTeam, SWAT Army of Club Penguin, SWAT of CP, swat rulers army cpr, swatcpteam agentsofcpr cpragentsteam clubpenguinagents, TEAMSWAT clubpenguin TEAMSWAT clubpenguin RULERSOFCPR RULERSCP, teamswat cprewritten, teamswatrulers cpr | Leave a comment »