Recovered Post

The Event of Truth – Results

Posted on April 29, 2012 by Ganger90

We did pretty well, averaging 20 and maxing 25, but it didn’t reach the requirements of a promotion event, therefore if you made it you will only receive 25 bullets. Comment for them.

Comment for your 25 bullets!

Filed under: SWAT Army | 7 Comments »

Upcoming – *Plans*,*Renovations*,*News*

Hello S.W.A.T.

It’s me, Ganger90 here, the leader of S.W.A.T. Today I will be going over some of S.W.A.T.’s plans and news that is going around in S.W.A.T. First off, lately we’ve been at war with mainly the Nachos and DCP. But, recently it seems as if the Golds and ACP have joined the war. So pretty much, the current outcome standard of the war is: S.W.A.T. , BMA, GT vs. Nachos, DCP, Golds, ACP. It seems pretty unfair, huh? Well, that doesn’t matter guys! S.W.A.T. has been used to being the underdog all the time and we seem to always overcome whenever we are labeled an underdog. For example, when we faced ACP and we got labeled ‘the underdog’ , we rose up and took the victory right out of their hands. That’s what we’re going to do, and have been doing with the war going on right now.

We were in a troubled spot recently with our original website taken over, and suspended and then all the websites we created started getting deleted. But, as of right now, we are in a stable position on this website and we are no longer going to be moving if you guys were wondering. By the way, even though this hack might have had us down for maybe a day? We are still running very strong, max’ing the same sizes we have been and even larger. At the moment, S.W.A.T. has overflowing potential that needs to be launched more and more each day. If we keep it up, we’ll be back to number one in no time flat. This war, I truly believe that we can win. With the help of our gracious allies of the S.W.A.T. Democracy, BMA and GT, we will be able to overcome all that is ahead for us.

The ACP, Army of Club Penguin, have officially declared war on us. Why? Because we beat them in a practice battle and we never gave them a chance to come back and beat us yet; so perhaps they are searching for a little thing called vengeance. Do not worry though, we beat them once and we will beat them again and this time it’ll not be as close as it was before. Last time, we just plain out defeated them and it was a great battle, I must say, but they were overwhelmed by the underdogs that S.W.A.T. was claimed as. From that point forward, we made ACP our underdogs, instead of the other way around. That pretty much clears up that subject, please stay tuned for some more defenses from ACP to come in the future.

Cul, S.W.A.T. Leader has refunded the old S.W.A.T. CSS with his account and therefore, we now have a CSS again! That is indeed why the site was privated, if you were wondering, because we were re-updating our CSS back to what it was again. Hopefully, our website will look as amazing as it did! Rumors claim we will soon be buying a new CSS look from a professional[such as Tomb]. If this happens, our website will look better than any one else’s. Please stay tuned if you would like to see what happens with the new renovations to the S.W.A.T. Home Website!

Recently, we have overcome both the Nachos and Doritos in a two on one fight, where the pitiful Nachos and Doritos were beaten. If we can continue this amazing progress, we will make it to number one, simple. We should have never been taken out because we never even died, our website was just hacked, but we kept on getting and averaging full chats all the time and also still had pictures from before the hack. No doubt we will at least be the next CPAC Top Ten, that should be a guarantee based on the sizes we’ve been getting all week. Can’t wait to see what we can max. on the weekend! Thank you all for reading this rather long post.

Ganger90, S.W.A.T. Leader

To Golds

Post by Jerry

Honestly, how can you rate an entire army by the actions of one person? A person who isn’t even a leader? So what if this person helped in doxing or hacking of your website? Actions can be done to punish. But declaring war on us?

That’s just childish.

Listen to yourselves. Saying you want SWAT dead. We never physically or verbally attacked you. I tried creating an alliance with you. We don’t want to go to war with Golds. There isn’t a point or reason behind it.

1 person doesn’t define an army of many as a whole. 

Keep in mind that the offer is still on the table. It’s your choice if you accept it or not. Think about it. And choose wisely, because one can protect the things you hold most valuable and the other may harm it. Sleep on this.


S.W.A.T. Defends Outback

Today, we did not have our best day, but it was enough to beat DCP.

I expect better from you all and you guys know it. The moment of redemption will be tomorrow, prove yourselves, follow orders and get on Club Penguin or be fired.

Defenses from Nachos & DCP

Post by Cul8rsl

CSS done by Chris and Jerry


Defence of Snow Flake(American)

Friday, April 13th

Times: 7:00 pm EST

6:00 pm CST

5:00 pm MST

4:00 pm PST


Defence of North Pole(Australian)

Friday, April13th(April 14th for Australia)

Times:  5:00 pm WA(western)

 6:00 CA(central)

 7:00 pm EA(eastern)

 1:00  am EST(friday)

12:00 am CST

11:oo pm MST

10:00 pm PST

*Most American’s excused*