Recovered: He Will Be Back

Stars, stop trashing this post.

He will be back.

This is not the end to my already wonderful journey in Club Penguin armies. I can promise you that I will be back to lead this wonderful army once again on the promised, heart-throbbing day in December.

Despite all of the ‘kind’ words *sarcasm* said about me, I will still be coming back once again. With the pride and integrity of not only a SWAT leader, but a member of the SWAT family. Oh yes, he will be back. Ganger90, the dictator, the great leader, the bribe-taker, the legend, the prick, Granger or whatever you may want to call him, he will be coming back on a sunny day for S.W.A.T. on December 25. I would never let this army down. This time it seems apparent that I have, but the truth is that I was let down. All pride derived from me. The only ones I had left turned on me. Cold-blooded turned on me. But you know what?

I don’t care… I’ve been turned on countless times before and I still pushed through. I still came back. I still do what I do. It may effect my heart and emotions, but it will not effect my will-power to keep what I love going strong some day again. But it’s as simple as that, that day is not now. It’s not next month or the month after. But when I am back, prepare for a S.W.A.T. that seems quite familiar, yet very different. We will be back and we will be staring down at the number one position once again. We will fight the Army of Club Penguin once again. This time, we will do it all and we will succeed once again. My plan is not to reach number 1, but my plan is to be number one and dominate this army world as the ACP and Nachos once have.

The old rogue S.W.A.T., oh they’re all noobs. They’ll never make it any where. Well, guess what? Look where we are now. Look where we’ve been. This old noob, rogue army has made it farther than most any other army ever has and I’m damn proud of it. This army is legendary and we need to live up to not our expectations, but our goals. The expectations people have for us are so negative and that’s only because they wish that they could do what we once have. We’ve been number 1, defeated the ACP, but that’s just not enough for me. I have not yet reached my dream or full potential is what I feel. I lead SWAT to number 8 when I came back. Then lead SWAT to number 1 when I came back. What can I do next time I come back? The world is full of possibilities, but it’s also always filled with disappointments. And I do not want to disappoint this army ever again. We’ve made number 1 and I haven’t lead to my full ability and I was too busy moaning and groaning over the constant hate that I kept getting instead of leading this army to the greatest of my ability.

When I come back, I will let every single person hate on me. But the only thing that will matter is S.W.A.T. and our future as a great, legendary, top ten army. If you hate me for no reason, then just get to know me, maybe even join the ride with me on December 25, 2012. The day this army goes from Legendary, to Dominant. I’m ready for the challenge in December and I hope you all are too. It’s going to feel like a long wait, but I can promise you, it’ll come sooner than you can even expect it. Good luck S.W.A.T.,

He will be back.

December 25, 2012


Recovered: Invasion of Parka -CANCELLED

 By: st4rz19


SWAT and Dcp vs. St and any of their dumbass allies.

Friday, 8/3/2012  August

1pm PST, 2pm MST, 3pm CST, 4pm EST, 9pm UK

Where? Parka

Hell Will Be Unleashed~Starz

Restored Post

-Event Results vs. Golds-

Posted on July 8, 2012 by Ganger90

Sorry for the lack of pictures, you can blame Flames370 a long with the defacing of the website as well.

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