Today we held an event of truth and boy did we get it. The recent performances of SWAT haven’t been good, however, there’s always a way back for SWAT. SWAT will rise and keep rising, never mark us down
Last year we held an art competition and put an ‘Art Gallery’ on the site, we had many great submissions and I was always looking forward to another Exhibition where ALL of SWAT could show their talent to everyone. Whether you may be a troop or an ally I want to see your drawing/creations!!
What are some of the things we’ll be accepting for the competition? (Both digital and on paper are accepted) We’ll be accepting any type of art that is created by you, whether that be a drawing or a new concept for a SWAT Banner. If you look at our last Art Gallery you’ll see the different types of art that people submitted so be open-minded. Just make sure that it is appropriate and follows the rules of SWAT.
You have until Friday, February 25th to submit your art. To submit your art, dm a leader with your art piece once it is complete. The post showing these art pieces should follow the deadline. So that means it should be on the 26th or the 27th of February! Good Luck!