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Interview with Ganger90

Greetings, agents!

To help serve the 15th Anniversary Week of SWAT to your satisfaction, today we bring to you some special content. We came in touch with the army’s creator Ganger90 to learn more about the army’s foundation and his views on it.

This is a daily drop.

What motivated you to open the Special Weapons and Tactics Army back in 2009?

“What motivated me to create this great army was the close friendship and brotherhood the original rogues of Mammoth had established before even being an organized army. I wanted to bring that same group together to challenge and beat the best of CPA, which they went onto do time and time again. My vision has always been for the army to live long beyond my leadership and be a beacon of opportunity for the rising new generations of CPA”

SWAT Creator

Do you see yourself leading the army once again in the foreseeable future?

“I do feel that I have done all that I can for SWAT as a Leader throughout time and I don’t see myself coming back to lead again however you will always wish you had done more under your leadership, that’s why I hope to influence the next generation to make the best of it while they can and give it all they got. Don’t get it twisted, I have always been and always will be there for SWAT in the future but as far as leading I don’t see myself coming back to be the leader I once was, it’s not realistic unfortunately at this point in life”

SWAT Creator

How are you feeling during SWAT’s 15th Anniversary Week?

“For the 15th anniversary week it has me feeling very nostalgic, it’s crazy to think that all this started so long ago and yet still a community that stays true to tradition and the virtues of SWAT is still alive to this day. I am thankful and happy that the community has become a home to so many great people over the years.”

SWAT Creator

Which memories from the army were your favorite?

“For me personally, you know that my history goes wayyy back with this army. I like to reminisce back to when we became an official army and upset ACP in the Semi Finals, the many wars we went onto fight against each other. From more recent times, SWAT retaining the number 1 position with new leaders and maxing 40+ once again after a 7 year hiatus from #1. The new troops that we have introduced to the community in the discord era and gone on to run the army, become great leaders and vital parts of the army is something I always hold close to the heart as well”

SWAT Creator

What is your message to the community?

“My message to the community would be to stay true to yourself, never stop believing in yourself and the army that you come from. Don’t run with the circus, they all get made clowns when the lights are bright enough. Have fun with CPA while you can, there will be a time when your journey will be over, but your army’s journey can go far past yours and that is the ultimate goal. Loyalty always outvalues everything and it’s what makes a real army, a real brotherhood. Anything else is artificial and will prove itself over time. You can accomplish anything in life, put your mind to it focus and work hard. SWAT Forever!”

SWAT Creator

Looking at Ganger90’s responses, it appears with clarity that he is confident of a brighter future for the army. With his powerful wisdom, we are powered with advice from one who has been in the army since the dawn of its time. Thank you, Ganger90, for responding to the interview.

Happy 15th Anniversary, SWAT!
The SWAT Corporation

Four Years of Awesomeness

Greetings! I am Fun X Time, formerly and popularly known as Krill 300. This post is being written to define my fourth year of awesomeness. You heard it right.

I describe the glorious years with You, Ganger90, Coolguy, Sweater, Sammie, Sophie, Lego, Mare, Aubz, Ethan, L90, William, Aisha, and I.

Ganger90, Coolguy, Sweater, Sammie, and Sophie

I joined SWAT on June 15, 2020 in the evening when Ganger90 recruited me. I was developing my Club Penguin private server (CPPS) named Club Penguin Deck, and got Ganger to bribe me for having an event on my beautiful CPPS. Coolguy was the first to welcome me when I joined! The size of our Discord server was less than 300. Sorry for intervening your conversation, Sweater! I pass my deepest gratitude to Sweater, Sammie, and Sophie, though. They were the first to welcome me. It did not seem that anyone felt I would become a leader soon, except Dwain. When I joined, I almost threatened to leave the server, wondering if it was a good army!

I am the Deleted User with the orange profile avatar.
The only picture taken of my DMs with Ganger90 when I was being recruited. I certainly did not trust him then!
A glimpse of me advertising my CPPS, though xfastx tried to stop me!

Subsequently, Sweater sent me a friend request. Meantime, I showed my love to Carl-bot because it was one I loved in the early days. Now my favorites are Dyno and Sapphire!

Lego, Mare and Aubz

Here is what happened. I was talking in a chat once, and saw a person named Legoman getting an instant promotion to leadership. I had acquainted him for a few days and was confused how he managed to get leadership in less than a month! Following this, I eventually saw Mare to the leadership. I never realized she was ever promoted. The same case was with Aubz. I must agree, Lego, Mare, and Aubz had certainly shaped my future! I pass my gratitude to them.

I was promoted to Second-in-Command by Mare in 2021. It was a historic moment. Time flied very quickly, and by 2021 I learnt to lead events.

Ethan, L90, William, Aisha, and Coolguy

By the end of 2022, I couldn’t participate much as there weren’t much AUSIA events. However, I did get a chance and was nominated in the elections. I was Leader-in-Training by now, but was later demoted. In the first 15 days of March 2023, I failed to send a single message in SWAT. I had announced a temporary leave due to my annual examinations. Ethan, L90, and William were quite influential. Aisha, too, was one great leader.

When Coolguy retired, he said that I am the future and I will need to step up and put in more effort. This was the turning point. And, I am certainly grateful to Coolguy, as well as others for their cooperation.

Me and You

The greatest time period I have been in. The support you all have been giving is of utmost value. World War IX had hit us. SWAT failed to rejuvenate with its current leadership. In late June 2024, a went into a ridiculous argument with Sweater. Certainly, I admit I should have not deleted some custom roles! However, Legoman did not want to see me go. Fwapo enters the scene. At around 8 o’ clock in the evening, he messages me stating that I will eventually return. This will made me realize that I must.

Here I am! I am now a leader! I was promoted to Leader-in-Training again by Ganger90 at the Trick or Treat Tournament in October 2023. And, on November 15, 2023, I was promoted to leader after leading an event by Legoman. Fwapo and Bull Hour joined in the leadership an hour later, too! It was a glorious moment. It proved my work, and insisted me to continue the efforts.

Read more about me!

These four years were certainly glorious and unforgettable. I will continue my efforts in SWAT and help it reach a height at which no one can criticize. Thank you.

“People will criticize your efforts. Climb so high that you will not see them.”

Fun X Time, SWAT Commander-in-Chief

SWAT: Weekly Rewind 21

Hi fellow agents of the SWATRulers!
This edition of the Weekly Rewind will cover the great exploits and battles that took place within this fun week!

Weekly Spotlight

We want to congratulate the following troops for their exceptional performance during the week!

Agent of the Week: HCOM-in-Training jdawg44.
Amari Weekly XP Race Winners:

  1. 1st Position: Commander-in-Chief Fun X Time
  2. 2nd Position: SWAT Second-in-Command Zooy
  3. 3rd Position: SWAT Second-in-Command Stoggs

This was the 34th week of the Amari Weekly XP Race.

Thank you to the Amari bot for making this race possible!
Designed by SWAT Commander-in-Chief Fun X Time.


  • SWAT amassed a total of 4 events this week, the 2 former ones being battles and the latter 2 ones being practice/invasions!
  • SWAT’s greatest max was at the Invasion of Ice Cold!

1. :SWAT_Icon: Event: World Cup: Group Stage A: Round II!
This was our 140th event. It occurred on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 07:00 PM UTC, categorized as an EU event. We acquired the greatest concurrent participation count (“max“) of 5.

2. :SWAT_Icon: Event: World Cup: SWAT-WH Battle
This was our 141st event. It occurred on Friday, May 24, 2024, at 12:00 AM UTC (Midnight Operation), categorized as a US event. We acquired the greatest concurrent participation count (“max“) of 5.

:SWAT_Icon: Event: Event 142: Invasion of Ice Cold Deep Freeze

This was our 142nd event. It occurred on Friday, May 24, 2024, at 01:00 PM UTC, categorized as a AUSIA event. We acquired the greatest concurrent participation count (“max“) of 6 (it’s more than 5 this time!).

:SWAT_Icon: Event: Finding Krill!

This was our 143rd event. It occurred on Friday, May 24, 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC, categorized as a AUSIA event. We acquired the greatest concurrent participation count (“max“) of 3 (or well in this picture 2 because of the uniform change).

Uh, so that’s pretty much it! We may have had a little bit of an underwhelming week, but think about it, we’ve had 100s of weeks in our history, one slightly inactive one is but an obstacle we shall overcome! SWATFOREVER!

Thank you,
The SWAT Corporation!

SWAT: Weekly Rewind 20

Hello, agents!

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) entertained a set of invasions, with one containing an important success story.

Weekly Spotlight

We want to congratulate the following troops for their exceptional performance during the week!

Agent of the Week: Major * New *
Amari Weekly XP Race Winners:

  1. 1st Position: Commander-in-Chief Fun X Time
  2. 2nd Position: SWAT Leader-in-Training Zooy
  3. 3rd Position: SWAT Former Commander and Advisor Aisha

This was the 33rd week of the Amari Weekly XP Race.

Courtesy of the Amari Discord bot for helping conduct this activity!


Designed by SWAT Commander-in-Chief Fun X Time.


  • SWAT held 4 events this week.
  • Among the events were 3 invasions and 1 battle.
  • The greatest concurrent participation count (“max”) during the week was 11 at Invasion of Cozy.

1. Invasion of Cozy

This was our 136th event. It occurred on Sunday, May 12th, 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC, categorized as an EU event. We acquired the greatest concurrent participation count (“max“) of 11, the highest among this week’s events.

2. Invasion of Parka

This was our 137th event. It occurred on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC, categorized as an EU event. We acquired the greatest concurrent participation count (“max“) of 10.

3. Invasion of Permafrost

This was our 138th event. It occurred on Friday, May 17th, 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC, categorized as an EU event. We acquired the greatest concurrent participation count (“max“) of 9.

4. World Cup: Group Stage A: Round I

This was our 139th event. It occurred on Saturday, May 18th, 2024, at 01:00 PM UTC, categorized as an AUSIA event. We acquired the greatest concurrent participation count (“max“) of 11.

In conclusion, the week has shown consistency, but improvement is always endeavored.
Thank you very much to the agents who partook in our community during the week!

Thank you,
The SWAT Corporation!

SWAT: Weekly Rewind 12

Hello, agents!

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) had an interesting week! As a division tournament continues, troops show sufficient acts of valor.

Weekly Spotlight

We would like to congratulate the following troops for their exceptional performance during the week!

Agent of the Week: pingwin
Amari Weekly XP Race Winners

  1. 1st Position: Fun X Time
  2. 2nd Position: Zooy
  3. 3rd Position: pingwin
Courtesy of the Amari Discord bot for helping conduct this activity!


Designed by SWAT Commander-in-Chief Fun X Time.

1. SWAT Undercover Mission I

This was our 110th event. It occurred on Sunday, March 17th, 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC. It was an EU event. We acquired the greatest concurrent participation count (“max“) of 5.

2. Division Tournament Battle II

This was our 113th event. It was a SWAT division tournament battle. It occurred on Saturday, March 24th, 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC. It was an EU event. We acquired the greatest concurrent participation count (“max“) of 4.

In conclusion, the week portrayed us rising, and shall wish the best for our future endeavors!

Thank you,
The SWAT Corporation!

A Deep Look Into Poppy’s Grandson

HOO RAH! – Legoman

Legoman, Most commonly known as SWAT’s Greatest Leader, a SWAT Godfather and SWAT’s 71st Commander by many, with numerous badges to show! He currently is Legend in 6 armies, including SWAT, PIC, Island Invaders, Skateboarders, Magma Clan and LMA. He has won Best S/M Leader, Best Org Head, Best Allied Leader from Templars, Class Clown, POTY Runner up in 2022 and 2023, Biggest Ego, Sarbinger Of Chaos, Biggest Personality, Arbiter of Anarchy, Best Ally From PIC, And Best Leader. He is also the first SWAT Godfather to be inducted in the CPPS Era. Some people could say he is a Club Penguin Legend with the amount of hard work he has done for many armies. He is loved by most and can be a little vocal about topics, the man is a legend. But in today’s post, we get to talk to the man of the hour! In this post, you will get to learn more about Legoman and his accomplishments, stories and much more.

Both photos show SWAT shining proudly on Club Penguin with the help of Legoman.

Photo of Legoman’s army unironically called “LEGOMAN ARMY” or LMA for short.

If you didn’t know, Lego has been in more armies than you can count on your fingers and has had a lot to SWAT in the past 3 years. This man worked so hard for SWAT to still have us here. Not saying he is the only reason, but he is a major reason of SWATs rise in 2021 and helping to win 2 wars in 2023. Another major thing he has done is lead SWAT to #1 Twice after 7 years of not doing so. It’s not an easy task to do these days with big armies emerging.

SWAT achieving #1 for the first time in 7 years.

A photo of SWAT achieving #2 In 2022

Interview Time with Legoman
We talked to Lego to ask him about his club penguin time and SWAT. Here is what he replied to us.

ggogle: Hello Legoman! I am here to interview you about your time with SWAT! I have just a couple questions for you if you would like to answer. When did you join Club penguin and the Armies? Any experiences that made you join?

Lego: I joined on Club Penguin Armies on March 16, 2020 via CPO when I saw the Light Troops my user was TalhaIsDad and UncleC123. I thought they looked cool at the Iceberg. I wasn’t extremely active as I was prioritizing working out with my brother and playing LEGO games on my Wii. Eventually, I got into a VC in Dark Warriors on where I was shown how to use the new CPPS. This was especially entertaining considering my intention was to troll and get banned. If I correctly recall they were led by Julia, Megann, Spotty and Noa during this time. I enjoyed my time there until I was troop-stolen into the Ice Warriors through there. Ice Warriors leadership consisted of Regan, Flamez64, Alexandra, Madhav2 and Ben. Ironically enough my first event on was a practice battle between the Ice Warriors and Dark Warriors, funny how that worked out. I would eventually create my own army known as LEGOMAN ARMY HOO RAH! to obtain name-glow on, and thus my unquenchable desire for publicity began.

A photo of Lego joining Light Troops in 2020.

If you didn’t know, Legoman made LMA, but not only him it was made with Cassie and Ninja’s Help created July 29th, 2020, and lasted until October of 2020. LMA was for the jokes and reached a top max of 32 and this showed Lego could lead with his own army (with the help of his buddies.)

Various photos of LMA in its Prime

ggogle: Very interesting! When did you join SWAT and what made you join?

Lego: I joined SWAT on August 11, 2020 VC with good friend Mare and was immediately dragged into HCOM VC. Upon my joining Ganger90 said “who is legoman? lol hes def not hcom here.” I would go on to attend every single battle of the Eagre Foray war, as well as earn First Responder and lead a few tactics about Cliff being 14. I loved the war and to this date it’s one of my favorite wars I’ve participated in. I would soon go on to match the recruiting of Ganger90 and average 50+ recruits every day of that war garnering my promotion to Third-In-Command. I would VC lead battles and got Troop of the Week for two months straight and would be promoted to Second-In-Command shortly thereafter. By February 7, 2021, I was made the 71st Commander-In-Chief by an election in the army, this was one day after I led the first ever HTML5 practice battle. For my entire first month of leadership SWATs max did not dip below 25. We then fought against Templars in month long war that we won.

“hes def not hcom here”

This is a picture from Operation: Templaria Aka the 10th Great Holy War.

ggogle: Oh wow! What are your accomplishments in Club Penguin Armies? What are some new goals you might want to accomplish?

Lego: My accomplishments are quite lengthy – as evidenced on my tyrannical eccentric penguin – so I’ll stick to the most important ones. I was the first leader of SWAT to have us reach #1 in the CPPS Era after almost 7 years. I was the first SWAT Godfather to be inducted in the CPPS Era. I led SWAT to max 67 USUK and 48 AUSIA throughout my tenure and brought SWAT to be one of the warmongers of the community. In 2023 SWAT had Third Place in most battles only losing to the First-Place winners by five battles. I was voted SWATs Best Commander of 2023 as well as Most Achieved, Best Designer and Best Recruiter for the year of 2022. As far as community wide achievements, I have been dubbed Person of the Year Runner-Up for two consecutive years, as “The Tenacious Target” in 2022 and “The Duke of Infamy” in 2023. In addition, I was voted Best S/M Army Leader 3 consecutive summers, as well as finally being recognized as a S/M Army Legend Nominee in 2023 among my many vast trophies I have accrued from various armies. I have no future goals for Club Penguin Armies, I am retired and have accomplished more than most in my 3-Year tenure. I have been in talk with SWAT Veteran Firestar08 about certain things but only time will heed that result.

Various Awards of Legoman.

ggogle: Look at you Mr. Achiever! Are there any stories you want to share with your time in SWAT?

Lego: There are many stories, but I believe this is one of my personal favorites. Throughout my leadership in 2023 I sought to give each troop a compliment after every event to recognize them for all of their help. After one event I asked if anyone wanted to do compliments for a change, this resulted in Ggogle, Akio, Mickey Mouse among others bickering over who would get to compliment everyone. That was a very wholesome moment for me personally to see the staff really want to recognize all of their fellow SWAT troops. Another story would be 2021 where Firestar08 and I held the best AUSIA event ever, as well as our John Walker takeovers with SWAT Godfather Stare3000. Speaking of Stare3000 who many know as Oli, they once told me that as one of SWATs first troops they never felt comfortable leaving the army because they didn’t know if it would survive. They told me they didn’t ready to leave until they saw my dedication and knew I would do everything in my power to keep SWAT afloat. They retired and deleted discord altogether the next day, and I was promoted to Commander-In-Chief. Other funny moments include Monkey Dance Swag, Ninjago takeover, Mare doing her nails during a battle, Destiny770, Aubz being a queen, my first coup in 2021 and the funny LEGO videos I made as a result, recruiting my 79-year-old grandpa Poppy, and of course the living legend JoeyJumanji3208.

A photo of G90 announcing Lego’s step into being commander.

Lego was given Commander 02/07/21 with a post along interviewing him in 2021. If you want to read it Check it out here! After a year or so, Lego is inducted as a Legend along with Coolguy. Click here to read about it!

While I don’t have any photo to show of Lego complementing people, from personal experience he has done it many times and did complement EVERYONE who played for the battle in VC. Got to be a very heartwarming story.

Real footage of Legoman going into office.

ggogle: Some fun stories!! What is something you want people to know about yourself?

I sing, and I sing well. I have had the honor of performing at CFG Bank Arena in 2024 with Opera Legend Andrea Bocceli, the World Culture Festival in Washington DC in 2023, I was the first person to ever represent my old high school at the International Thespian Festival in 2022. I work in the Music Department of my school as well as being employed as the Bass Section Leader of a local church and working as a member of a caroling group which goes to various retirement homes across the DMV area spreading cheer. I have sung in English, Italian, German, Spanish, French, Latin and Hebrew, and continue to explore the vast range music has to offer.

A video of Lego singing.

Look at that! Lego gave an amazing response to every answer! Thank you, Lego, for your time and responding to me. Well. there you have it! Lego wanted me to add “Add something about Aisha meowing for attention and being my ewife.” There you go. Lego has shown and told us that he has accomplished a lot through his time in Club Penguin. He is currently the only SWAT Godfather of the CPPS As he stated he is currently retired but time will tell what happens! We will get back on that soon. This is the first Interview from me so if you like it, be supportive or something! Until next time, ggogle out!

SWAT: Weekly Rewind 8

Hello, agents!

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) had a week of considerable progress. With faith in alarming performance, SWAT prints a few pictures for history.


  • SWAT acquired its greatest concurrent participation count (“max”) at Event 96: Sensei and Friends, which was 12.
  • SWAT partook in 3 events this week.
  • This week, one event was cancelled.

1. Build the Dojo

This was our 96th event. The event occurred on Monday, 19th February 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC. This was an EU event. Our greatest concurrent participation count (“max”) was 6.Image

2. The Great Storm of 2008

This event was cancelled. It was our 94th event. The event was supposed to occur on Wednesday, 21st February 2024, at 01:00 PM UTC. This was anticipated to be an AM event.

3. EPF Calls SWAT

This was our 95th event. The event occurred on Friday, 23rd February 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC. This was an EU event. Our greatest concurrent participation count (“max”) was 4.

4. Sensei and Friends

This was our 96th event. The event occurred on Friday, 16th February 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC. This was an EU event. Our greatest concurrent participation count (“max”) was 14.

In conclusion, the week portrayed us rising, and shall wish our future endeavors!

Thank you,
The SWAT Corporation!

SWAT: Weekly Rewind 7

Hello, agents!

Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) had a week of great progress! With more participation than earlier, SWAT shows its force fiercely! With great hopes, SWAT sights luminescence in the midst of another month!


  • SWAT acquired its greatest concurrent participation count (“max”) at Event 91: The Weeknd’s Weekend, which was 14.
  • SWAT partook in 4 events this week.
  • An anticipated practice battle against the Dark Vikings was seen, with the victory being taken by the Dark Vikings.
  • This week, two events were cancelled.

1. Meet Sensei

This was our 89th event. The event occurred on Monday, 12th February 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC. This was an EU event. Our greatest concurrent participation count (“max”) was 6.

2. AM Divisional Operation II: The Rise of the American Penguins

The event was cancelled. It was an unscheduled event. This was anticipated to be an AM event. It was supposed to occur on Wednesday, 14th February 2024, at 01:00 AM UTC.

3. Valentine’s Day

This was our 90th event. The event occurred on Wednesday, 14th February 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC. This was an EU event. Our greatest concurrent participation count (“max”) was 10.

4. The Weeknd’s Weekend

This was our 91st event. The event occurred on Friday, 16th February 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC. This was an EU event. Our greatest concurrent participation count (“max”) was 14.

5. SWAT vs DV: Practice Battle III

This was our 92nd event. The event occurred on Saturday, 17th February 2024, at 05:00 PM UTC. This was an EU event. Our greatest concurrent participation count (“max”) was 13.

6. AM Operation IV: The Deliverance of Freedom

The event was cancelled. It was an unscheduled event. This was anticipated to be an AM event. It was supposed to occur on Sunday, 18th February 2024, at 01:00 AM UTC.

SWAT has shown excellent valor! Let us keep the performance charged, and improve during progress!

Thank you,
The SWAT Corporation!

SWAT Allies With DV

Hello, agents!

At Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), we have faith in possessing friendly relations and coordinating with each other to acquire best. SWAT officially allied with the Dark Vikings (DV) on 1st January 2024. Read on to know more!

On 1st February 2024, SWAT would like to announce this relationship between the armies. SWAT has lately been experiencing a lot of practice battles with DV. These practice battles sound beneficial and will contribute to our improvement!

Dark Vikings is a populous army in the army community that seems to have improved over the weeks. SWAT appreciates this alliance with a team of experienced members of the army community embedded in their leadership.

We questioned the leaders at Dark Vikings, and we have brought to you several answers that one leader wanted to share with you!

What are the reasons for the alliance?

“Our SWAT squad and your organisation have formed an agreement because we both want to improve public safety and security. The combination of resources, skills, and people enables us to address difficulties more effectively and adapt to varied situations with better efficiency. Our alliance’s aggregate strength allows us to tackle complicated issues that individual teams may not be able to handle.”

— MtJordan II, Dark Vikings Leader

Do you find any benefits from the alliance?

“The collaboration provides numerous benefits for both parties concerned. Collaboration allows for the exchange of best practices, knowledge, and specialised skills, resulting in a continual learning environment. Our teams’ combined competencies result in a stronger, more resilient force that can adapt to evolving threats. Furthermore, the alliance serves as a venue for joint training activities, strengthening interoperability and teamwork among our people.”

— MtJordan II, Dark Vikings Leader

How do you expect the alliance to progress?

“We envision the alliance moving forward through ongoing communication, collaboration, and shared strategic planning. Regular meetings and information sharing will be critical in staying on track to achieve mutual objectives. As the alliance grows, we plan to explore new channels for collaboration, broaden the scope of joint operations, and strengthen our combined influence on the safety and well-being of the communities we serve.”

— MtJordan II, Dark Vikings Leader

With great hopes, SWAT and DV expect their relationship to be paramount one day. With predicted hope, both communities have faith in the potential of the relationship! Let us hope it holds!

Thank you,
The SWAT Corporation!