[Ausia] 4-27-2020

Ausia April 27th, 2020

max: 33 average: 30

This was our 3rd AUSIA event that the new generation of SWAT hosted, and I am so proud of the progress we have made. AUSIA is training and working so hard at recruiting that improvement can be seen. This was our first event after Cargo retired and we made sure to pay tribute to a SWAT legend. New generation SWAT is looking better and better every day

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Well, this has been a pretty fun almost four or so weeks.

Basically, I’m here to say that I’ll be stepping down from my leader position and passing my torch onto the new generation. I wanted to stay until you guys were in a sufficient enough spot where I thought you all would be fine on your own, and I believe you all are now in good hands. The leaders,owners, mods are all superb and put in so much work on a daily basis, it’s really impressive.

I was genuinely surprised at how well we did from the start, it was crazy how we made such a huge rise suddenly. I mean on our very first event we got almost 50 on a notice of less than 24 hours, which is really something else.

It’s been a seriously fun ride, I was just here making memes while taking it semi-seriously like I do usually and we managed to create something awesome. All of you guys are genuinely awesome people and troops, and I’ve genuinely enjoyed my time here

I cba making lengthy retirement posts, I have more fun meme’ing instead so I’ll end it off like so.


Just remember, SWAT is forever


p.s.: Stop saying SWAT means scargo wants a taco, I said that ONCE as a meme, please stop, it’s literally the unfunniest thing I’ve ever said in my life.

Also Unfinished business was the worst motto ever thought of. Unchained >>>>>> Unfinished business.

Signing off

~S Cargo2, former SWAT leader/legend