Hell Is Continuing To Be Unleashed [WEEK IN REVIEW]

Hello Agents!

After achieving 1st last week for the first time since 2012, we continued to unleash hell, and we will continue to defend our #1 title. We fell behind a bit this week, but we still did awesome, and we’ll see if we can achieve 1st again.

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Hello SWAT!

So after hearing ACP got a server transferred to them from another army, I didn’t hesitate to schedule an invasion for it. We logged on Glacier, and took it facing no opposition. We maxed 35 and averaged 33.

See you on the battlefield,

~Bad, SWAT Commander In Chief


Ganger90- I’m out of town right now, but when I get back Sunday we will be maxing 40+ consistently again SWAT! Great job still though, SWAT, and get ready to surpass 50+!

Hello SWAT!

Today we logged on for our UK invasion of Rainbow and we did pretty good. We maxed 33 and averaged 30 the entire battle. We faced no opposition. Good job, Agents!

See you on the battlefield,

~Bad, SWAT Commander In Chief